Professional-Grade 3-Step Dry Polishing Pads for Fast, High-Gloss Results on Natural Stone!
Professional Quality, Duro® 3-Step, Dry Polishing Pads are Heat Sintered & Specially Formulated to Produce Superior Polishing Results on Marble, Granite, Quartzite, Quartz & Engineered Stone.
Duro® 3-Step, Dry Polishing Pads, are made with the GE Diamonds for Highest Gloss-Meter Shine Results & Faster Polishing Rates. Made in South Korea.
- Size: 3″, 4″, 5″
- Bond: Phenolic Textured Resin
- Design: Hexagon Pattern
- Thickness: 2.0mm
- RPM: 2,000 to 4,000
- Dry Operation
- Item#: DP-1-2-3
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